April 15, 2023

How To Message A Recruiter On LinkedIn: 5 Tips



Social networks are more and more used by both recruiters and candidates. So approaching recruiters directly could be a great way to get noticed, but only if you do that right…

First of all, you should know that there is a free version as well as a paid version of LinkedIn. On the free version, you can only contact people in your network or the network of your first circle of contacts.
You then have two options to contact people outside your network on LinkedIn: either make a connection request to the Recruiter or you subscribe to LinkedIn’s premium version. Keep in mind that you can have a free trial of LinkedIn Premium for a month, and take advantage of that period to write to the companies and recruiters that interest you.

But now let’s see 5 tips on how to message a recruiter on LinkedIn!

  1. Optimize your LinkedIn profile
    It seems obvious, but it is often one of the most common mistakes: you send a message to get information about a position, and you don’t have a good LinkedIn profile…
    The person receiving your message does not know you and it goes without saying that the first thing they will see is your profile! So write your information and past professional experiences down, as well as a recent photo of yourself and a professional cover.
    If you want more information on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile, you can read one of our articles already published on the blog
  2. Target the right profiles
    First, identify the most interesting companies in your field or region. Then, take all the time you need to find the profiles of the companies’ employees that fit these job titles: human resources or HR manager, hiring manager, recruiter, Head of talent, and recruitment manager.
    Before viewing these profiles, check your privacy settings to show your name and title. This will allow potential recruiters to see your full profile in return.
    This is a very important activity because it will prevent you from wasting time and you will have information on career possibilities.
    Keep in mind, however, that the person does not necessarily always check Linkedin.
  3. How to interact with the recruiters
    If the person is the right one, send a connection request asking if you can add him/her to grow your network of contacts. Avoid proposing your application right away with the first message.
    It might also be a good idea – once the connection is made – to interact with the recruiter’s posts with coherent and interesting comments, and then send an inquiry.
  4. What kind of message can you send on LinkedIn to a recruiter?
    First, always send them a personalized message. Start with something personal to get their attention. Perhaps you have a mutual acquaintance (if so, ask this acquaintance to introduce you). Keep your tone professional at all times, and above all, keep your message short.
    Specify the position you’re interested in and your professional experience, and ask for a brief phone interview to discuss the opportunities in the company.
    Also, remember that LinkedIn Messenger allows you to attach a document (of course, send your CV!).
  5. How to stay in touch?
    You got a connection, you sent a message, now what?
    Often your message won’t get any immediate results, or just an answer like ”I’ll keep your CV in our database”.
    You’d better maintain the relationship on a regular basis without being too insistent: ask for news a few months later or talk about some important event in the industry by commenting on their posts.

Were these tips helpful? We hope so!
If you need further help, please contact us without hesitation.