December 2, 2022

Cover Letter: Must-Have Elements



These days, when communication is fast and instantaneous, you might think that a motivation letter may be obsolete. But definitely, it’s not: a cover letter is as important as your CV.

In fact, up to 38% of hiring managers say that a cover letter makes them more likely to pay attention to the application, and almost half (45%) of recruiters say that not having a cover letter could get your job application rejected (, 2022).

Since that one is a document read by many recruiters, we need to figure out how to write a cover letter. Thanks to our experience in this field, we have collected for you the most useful tips to follow step by step, and make a good first impression.

1. Shortness: Don’t Write A Too-Long Cover Letter

Recruiters receive dozens and dozens of applications and do not spend more than a minute on each one, so try to be as synthetic, but also effective as possible.
Do not write more than one page: 250 words are average.

2. Style And Content: Pay Close Attention To Them

Style, spelling, and language properties are crucial in a cover letter.
Be concise in the sentences so that you immediately convey the message in an easy way (also use industry and work keywords).

Use paragraphs to make the cover letter more readable and use a similar 3-point scheme

  • Make an introduction where you show that you are informed about the company, and what got your attention
  • Talk about yourself, your qualities and your professional experience. Show that you are humble, but that you really know your professional value. Avoid talking bad about the companies where you have previously worked
  • Explain what you can bring to the company and the mutual benefits. Try to awaken the recruiter’s curiosity.

3. Coherence To The Position You Are Applying For

Just because of the previous point, it’s easy to realize that the cover letter can’t be the same for all job announcements.
Each cover letter must be adapted to the position you are applying for. Recruiters notice immediately if a letter is drafted superficially.

4. Originality: The Cover Letter Can’t Be A Copy Of Your CV

This is a common mistake: cover letters are often the non-schematic repetition of the CV. The cover letter should instead highlight the consistency of the candidate with the position you’re applying to and enhance what does not emerge from the CV (as the soft skills).

5. No Salary Mention

Unless it is required in the job announcement, avoid mentioning salary in your cover letter. It will be a topic of further discussion during the interviews.

6. Re-Reading

Once you have written the cover letter, put it aside and re-read it to see if there are mistakes. Also, give it to one or more trusted people who can tell you if it’s clear and effective.

If you already follow these tips but still have problems writing your cover letter or getting to the interview, contact us and we will help you!